Thought Emancipation
So as to cosolidate the research results of studies in thought emancipation in the previous stage and promote the in-depth implementation of discussions on thought emancipation, on 22nd November, Anqing Foreign Language School’s general Party branch held a discussion exchange conference on mind emancipation. In attendance were Secretary Sun Yijun with the general Party branch, members of the Party Branch Committee, each party branch secretary and each party branch member.
Initially, Secretary Sun Yijun delivered a keynote speech in which she demanded all the party members to positively implement the requirements of the ‘Event Planning in regard to the Learning and Discussion about Thought Emancipation initiated by the Municipal Education and Sports System’ to carry out in-depth discussions, steadily promote practice transformation, feasibly free our mind, change concepts, open up a new realm and facilitate the work. Meanwhile, all the party members were supposed to emancipate their mind , reform the conventional thinking, innovate practice, implement work and strive hard to make contributions to the development of the educational cause. On the one hand, everyone should emancipate their mind, change concepts during the learning process and fully implement the new educational thoughts into education work practices. On the other hand, we are requested to constantly improve the work spirit, cherish our posts and devote wholeheartedly to work as well as serve teachers and students. What’s more, we should continue to ehance our responsibility and set a good example for the new times and new ideas.
Afterwards, each member of the general party branch and each general Party branch secretary exchanged their feelings and experiences concerning the study and discussions in accordance with their respective branch, the actual work practice in addition to the new requirements in the thought emancipation discussions. Also, they put forward concrete measures in the furture course of mind emancipation, expressing that they would actively try to be the forerunners in thought emancipation. Overall, this conference feasibly put new ideas into practice and made clear the new objectives, which called upon all of us to strive hard to showcase new achievements and embark on a new journey!
